I love to vacation with my family. This year as spring break was approaching I was defiantly feeling the itch to travel. Unfortunately, I knew this was not the year for a spring break trip for our family.
Not only has my husband been away on business for the last two week, but with the twins both walking now, keeping an eye on them in public is a full time job.
So, in an effort to calm my travel bug and keep the kids and me entrained during spring break I decided to plan a week of themed stay-cations.
The first day I planed was a Disneyland themed day because what’s more fun then a day at Disneyland?
Disneyland Staycation
I found the cutest idea that Sarah at Bomb Shell Bling shared, which she used of her boys Disney party. She made super cute disney passport books that allowed the guest to receive a stamp each time they completed an activity.
I loved this idea so much I had to use it for our Disneyland staycation. I downloaded her adorable passport cover and then made pages for each land at Disneyland to fit inside the book.
Next, I planned an activity to go along with each land in the park. After we completed each activity the kids received a sticker for their passport book and we moved on to the next land.
Here is a look at the activities we completed for each land.
Main Street U.S.A
The kids completed their first activity inspired by the main street cinema. I put on a classic Mickey cartoon on Netflix and they watched it while I set everything up. Once the cartoon was over they got a sticker for their page and we were ready for all the other activities.
Mickey’s Toon Town
For our Toon Town activity the kids made Mickey t-shirts. I gave them each a red shirt and a black fabric marker and let them go at it. I choose not to give them any direction and just let them create whatever they wanted to and they were happy with that. There are tons of super cute DIY Disney shirts ideas online if you wanted to make yours more put together.
New Orleans Square
In New Orleans Square the kids colored pirate masks I found at the Dollar Tree.
They also used a treasure map I drew of our backyard to follow the path to find the treasure. I had places two bags of chocolate coins in the sandbox that they were rewarded with at the end of their hunt.
Inspired by the Frontier Shooting Exposition I set up targets for the kids on a western backdrop and they used their Nerf guns to try and hit them.
In Adventureland we made and enjoyed Dole Whips by blending together frozen pineapple chunks and almond milk. They were delicious and a perfect snack for our Disney day.
Critter Country
In Critter Country to coordinate with the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ride I found this fun pin the on Eeyore game on Disney family.
As I was printing it out my printer ran out of ink but my kids still loved it and took turn after turn trying to attach Eeyore’s tail in the correct location.
I saw a cute idea from Becca at Love Our Crazy life where her guest decorated teacups for their Disneyland style party.
I knew that my kids would love doing this so I found some mugs at walmart for less than a dollar and pulled out the sharpies and let them go to work. I was right, they loved doing this and their mugs turned out super cute.
In Tomorrowland we used pool noodles cut in half as lightsabers as part of of Jedi training. I have actually never been to this show at Disneyland because last time we went our kids were young enough we didn’t think they would be into it.
So I just gave them their lightsabers and let them go at each other. I heard no complaints.
I also tried to recreate the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique experience for my daughter and Pirate league for my son.
They both dressed up in costumes and I did their make up and hair. You can tell how talented I am as a make up artist by looking at these photos but my kids thought it was awesome. Big Boy keep his face painted the whole day.
Overall this was a super fun day. It was definitely a fun and easy way to make a day extra special without leaving the house.
I created sign for each land and a Disneyland banner for decorations. If you want to use them you can download them below.
Disneyland Staycation Packet here
For more staycation ideas be sure to follow my Stay-cation Pinterest board.
Follow Julie Anne@More Excellent Me’s board Stay-cation ideas on Pinterest.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! What a great idea! I love that one of my ideas inspired it!
Sharing on Pinterest and FB!
Sarah @ Bombshell Bling recently posted…Creamy Pepper Jack Chicken Enchiladas
Thanks Sarah! Your passport idea was genius! You would have thought I was giving my kids gold not stickers they were so excited. It was the perfect way to tie all the Disneyland activities together.
So glad you loved the tea cup activity. We had a lot of fun doing that at our Disneyland party, and we still have ours.
Becca recently posted…Show Your Artistic #DisneySide With An Art Party
It was such a fun activity definitely one of the highlight. I should have taken your advice about the oil based sharpies though because on our second wash their pictures came off. O’well I figure I will just save them and let them decorate them again sometime. Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh my gosh. Just came across this blog and i love your idea. In the fall we are having what im calling disney school. We are all excited. I hope one day to be able to go to disney.
Thanks Stephanie so glade you enjoyed the idea. Disney school sounds like so much fun! I would love to hear how it turns out for you.