Last year was our year to survive. With the twins being born and our other children still being pretty young, most of our time was spent just doing what needed to be done to get by.
This year with the kids being a little bigger and the babies finally getting to the age where they aren’t super dependent I’m looking forward to having a more intentional year. One of the things this includes for me is to be able to spend more time in my role as a wife instead of always focusing on my role as a mother.
One way we can exemplify our role as a wife is to show our appreciation to our spouse. I married an incredible man and without him, by my side, I don’t know how I would have survived my first year with the twins. This year I want to let him know how much I appreciate the husband, father, and friend he is.
15 Ways To Show Appreciation To Your Spouse
1. Thank them for the little things
It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday routine of life and forget to notice the little things your spouse does for you. Take time to notice the little things and thank them for it. I know I love it when my husband thanks me for making dinner. Even though I make it most days it is nice to hear it is appreciated and makes it feel more enjoyable.
2. Leave a note with a dry-erase marker on the bathroom mirror
When my husband and I were first married we were both working opposite schedules and would often times not see each other till late at night. We would sometimes use dry erase markers to leave each other sweet notes on the bathroom mirror. It’s super fun to wake up and see a nice note from your spouse as you get ready in the morning and makes the whole day go better.
3. Brag about them publicly
You can do this in person or on social media, but when your spouse does something you really appreciate let them and others know about it.
4. Do one of their chores
Wash their car or take out the trash. Do something for them that they would normally do and give them a little more time to relax.
5. Let them sleep in or take a nap
This is especially great if you have young children and are lacking sleep. When you notice you spouse is low on energy let them sleep in while you watch the kids. Who doesn’t feel better with a little extra sleep?
6. Grab them a treat next time you run errands.
Next time you are out, grab them something little to let them know you are thinking about them. When I was pregnant with the twins my iron levels dropped really low and I craved ice all the time.
One day my husband came home from work and brought me a bag of pebble ice from sonic. It was just a small gesture but it let me know he was thinking about me and what I would want.
7. Pack them lunch
Sure your spouse is capable of packing their own lunch but packing it for them is a simple way to show that you care.
8. Write one thing a day you are thankful for about your spouse on a pack of post-its and give it to them when full
My husband did this for me once and brought home the pad to give to me full of things he was thankful for. Some of them were funny and some sweet but all of them made me feel appreciated.
9. Celebrate his accomplishments
You are your spouse partner when he succeeds celebrate it. Whether it be a raise at work or losing five pounds make a big deal out of it and be excited together.
1o. Pick up the house before they get home
Spend ten or fifteen minutes and quickly pick up the house before he gets home. That way he can come home to a peaceful environment and enjoy himself more at home.
11. Show them physical affection
Hold hands, snuggle, kiss, whatever you want but showing physical affection to your spouse is a sure way to let them know you are happy to be with them.
12. Leave a treat in their pocket
Leave a favorite treat or note in their coat pocket for them to find during the day.
13. Bake his favorite dessert
This doesn’t take a lot of effort but if certainly something that your spouse will enjoy and appreciate.
14. Schedule alone time together and make that time a priority
If you have a lot going on schedule time to spend together and make sure they know that time is important to you. Put it on the calendar and if other things come up turn them down. Make that alone time together the most important thing on your schedule.
15. Give your full attention to them while you’re together
To be honest I am not very good at this. When we are watching movies I am always on my iPad but I am hoping to change. When you are with your spouse be present. Give them and the activity you are doing together your full attention. Let them know you want to be there.
What a great list. My husband and I do a lot of these, but, of course, there is always room for improvement. 🙂
Jennifer S. recently posted…Psalm 46:10
You’re so right every little extra effort we put into our relationships is a small improvement:) Thanks for stopping by!
Great ideas! I especially like the idea of putting a treat in the pocket of his jacket.
I’m going to pin this. 🙂
Shannon @ Of The Hearth recently posted…Handling the Endless Work of Homemaking
Isn’t that a cute idea it’s always fun to get a little unexpected surprise. I haven’t tried it yet either it’s still on my to do list. Hope your husband enjoys it!