Summer is practically here! That means it’s time to start thinking about all the fun things you hope to do this summer. Today I am super excited to share with you a resources to help your kiddos not only plan out their perfect summer, but record all their fun summer memories as well.
I don’t know about you, but love the idea of a lazy summer lounging in front of the pool with a good book while my kiddos play. However, I’ve found that this idea of an enjoyable carefree summer can quickly turn sour. At least in our home my kids seem to behave better and have more fun with a good summer routine and a little bit of planning.
As a home school mom, I spend a lot of time during our school year making plans for my kids. Honestly, during the summer months I don’t want to do the planning for them. I want them to have a chance to work on projects they want to, learn things they are interested in and plan out experiences that they would love. This summer adventure packet will help them do just that!

Getting Started
The first thing you will want to do to use this free printable pack is to click the download button at the bottom of the page. Once you download the planner you can choose which pages you would like to print.
There are two options for the planner color. One is in full color and the other is black and white. I choose to print my kids covers on card stock to make it a little more sturdy but regular printer paper works just as well.
If you are planning on printing your planner pages single sided you can print the pages your choose and place them in any order you would like. If you are printing double sided like I did the layout works best if you choose the blank page after the cover options as your 1st page.
Planner Samples
The first few pages in the planner are calendar and highlight pages for each summer month. This gives your kids a place to keep track of all their fun summer plans and events to look forward too. The highlights page is a place they can record memories or draw pictures of some of their favorite things they did that month.
Next, you will find two summer bucket list pages. One page is a bucket list they can add ideas for fun things they would like to do during the summer. The other page has buckets on it that they can color in when they accomplish an item on your list.
The next two sets of pages are designed similarly. The goals page has one page to write down their goals and another page with pictures on it to color in when they accomplish a goal to help track their progress. The summer reading list gives a place to keep track of books they are hoping to read during the summer break and another page to write down the titles of their favorite summer reads.
The next set of pages include planning pages for pretty much all things summer you could hope for. It give kids a place to plan out their projects, jot down their questions, record their ideas or write down fun things they have learned over the summer. They can also make a lists of fun summer treats they hope to make during the summer or supplies they might need to carry out all their fun ideas. There are also pages to plan out places they would like to visit or a record memory of a trip they’ve been on.
Lastly, you will find various pages for your kids to record all their summer memories. Their are pages with blank frames to illustrate the fun things they did over the summer. Also, a variety of black pages to write about important or memorable things they did. The very last page gives them a place to reflect and record their top 10 summer memories.
Hope your kiddos have a great time planning out their perfect summer. Feel free to click the button below to download your free summer adventure planner. Enjoy!
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