The school year is so much easier to prepare for once you have a plan in place. Choosing weekly preschool themes is an easy way to outline your year. It will help you gather ideas and make sure you cover all the topics you want to in a year.
My Preschool Themes Planner is a great tool to help you to organize your weekly themes. Sometimes, though, it seems like the hardest part of planning is just narrowing down topic ideas, and deciding what preschool themes you want to cover.
To help you start the planning process, I want to share with you the weekly preschool themes I choose for the year.
2016-2017 Preschool Themes
1-5 Me and My Home
8-12 Around the World
15-19 Olympics
22-26 Personal Health (feelings and hygiene)
29-2 Safety (fire, bike, emergency)
12-16 Transportation
19-23 Wild West
26-30 Heros
3-7 Fall
10-14 Dinosaurs
17-21 Bones and Body
24-28 Halloween
31-4 Trees
7-11 Nutrition
14-18 Harvest
21-25 Thanksgiving
28-2 Explorers
5-9 Giving
12-16 Arctic
19-23 Christmas
26-30 Off
2-6 New Year
9-13 Winter
16-20 Hibernation
24-28 Tools and Machines
30-3 Weather (Ground Hog Day)
6-10 I Can Create (art, music, dance, design, ext.)
13-17 Valentines (love and friendship)
20-24 Fairy Tales
27-3 Water
6-10 Air
13-17 St Patrick’s Day
20-24 Flowers
27-31 Life Cycles
3-7 Pond
10-14 Easter
17-21 Earth Day
24-28 Spring
1-5 Jungle
8-12 Desert
15-19 Forest
22-26 Ocean
29-2 Islands (Volcanoes)
5-9 Garden
12-16 Circus
19-23 Summer
26-30 Bugs
3-7 4th of July (Independence day and patriotic symbols)
10-14 Camping
17-21 Safari
24-28 Lake
31-4 Farm
I hope these theme ideas will help you in planning out your preschool year. If you would like to use the same weekly themes throughout your year, you can download a free copy by clicking the text below. Enjoy
Free List of 2016-2017 Themes by Week
What are some of your favorite preschool weekly themes? I would love to hear. Please comment and share.
I did a theme on marshmallows. The kids had a lot of fun with it.
I bet! That sounds like something my kids would love.
This is a great help. I look forward to using this resource. God bless you and thanks !
I’m so glad you found it helpful Vivi! Thanks for stopping by : )
Julie Anne recently posted…Printable Preschool Week Planning Sheet
Sorry, but I have to build the children’s curriculum based on their needs and interests. Unfortunately there is no way to do that a few months in advance, let alone a year.
That makes sense. I like to do delight based projects with my kids in the afternoons so we can focus on their current interest and passions. I use our formal lesson time to introduce them to new concepts that they might not know about yet. In hopes that as they broaden their knowledge base they will find more subjects that spark their curiosity.
I realize that these plans won’t work for everyone but I like to share them anyways to help those they do. Good luck with your preschool year!
Why even make a comment like that! She is so nice to share her ideas
Love it….just took all the guess work out of my lesson plans for my home daycare.
Thank you.
Glad I could help 🙂
Fantastic ideas!!! Many thanks Julie Anne. Will definitely use them with my students! 🙂
I’m so glad you find them useful Elenie! I hope your students enjoy them 🙂
This is an awesome guide!!
Thanks, Ashley!
Thanks! You got my creative juices flowing with these ideas. You are so kind and generous to share your plans.
Thanks, Charlotte! I’m happy to help 🙂
Thanks so much this helps me a lot. I am trying to get a head start . Thanks for sharing your ideas😀
You’re welcome. I hope it helps you as you organize your year. Good Luck!
Have you ever thought about putting the lessons with your themes. I would definitely purchase them. Don’t have time to gather all the pieces together!!
I get it finding enough time always seems to be my challenge too. I do plan on posting our weekly lessons as I create them so be sure to check back!
You have a me and my home unit. Could you share what that will include? My family and I are missionaries and are moving. So this sounds like a good idea to help my daughter grasp what will be her new home when we start homeschool.
I haven’t put together plans yet but I can give you an idea of what I was thinking. For the first day, I thought we would do an all about me themed day talking about their favorite things, family and things that make them special.
The second day we would focus more on our home which sounds like that would be a great place for you to help your daughter get familiar with your new area. I plan on reading my kids “Me on the Map” by Joan Sweeny then focusing activities around the book. So first talking about the room they live in. Then their home. Then how their home is in a city and their city is in a country. That could really be a great way to introduce the new area you will be serving in to your daughter. Maybe you could make some crafts relating to the new country you will be living in or play some traditional games from that country.
Hopefully, that helps a little. If anyone else has any ideas feel free to share!
These are simple, easy and fabulous! I’ve been a preschool teacher for 16 years and I love having new ideas to work with. Thank you!
Thanks so much for great theme ideas.
Your very welcome!
I have to do a movement and music theme…
But thanks so much for the printable worksheets they help, I’m loving this site❤
That sounds like a super fun theme! I’m glad you are finding some useful ideas 🙂
Amazing!! So helpful
I’m glad it was helpful for you 🙂