I have been working on planning preschool themes for the next year. Thankfully using my preschool theme planning sheet has really helped me effectively plan. Here is a look at the preschool themes we will be covering each week next year.
2015 Preschool Themes
17-21 All About Me
24-28 Family
31-4 Farm
7-11 Apples
14-18 Pirates
21-25 Fall
28-2 Community Helpers
5-9 Leaves
12-16 Dinosaurs
19-23 Pumpkins
26-30 Halloween
2-6 Five Senses
9-13 Superheros
16-20 Cooking
23-27 Thanksgiving
30-4 Space
7-11 Winter
14-18 Christmas
21-25 Nativity
28-1 Off
4-8 Birds
11-15 Snow
18-22 Castles, Princess & Knights
25-29 Musicians
1-5 Weather
8-12 Valentines
15-19 Art
22-26 Safari
29-4 Dr. Seuss
7-11 Construction
14-18 Transportation
21-25 Easter
28-1 Cowboy
4-8 Robots
11-15 Gardening
18-22 Spring
25-29 Sport
2-6 Pond
9-13 Bugs/Insects
16-20 Oceans
23-27 Camping
Feel free to download a copy of these weekly themes by clicking the text below. Enjoy!
2015-2016 Weekly Themes Sheet
* Update* Looking for 2016-2017 preschool theme ideas? You can find them by clicking HERE
Visit Julie Anne@More Excellent Me’s profile on Pinterest.
wow! This is organized awesome!! Gonna print your planner-this will be great with my little guys. Thx-you saved me a lot of time;)
Amy recently posted…How To Make Magazine Strip Cross Craft in 5 Easy Steps
I’m so glad it will save you some time planning 🙂
Great list!
Ours is pretty similar, except we are subbing some local traditional holidays (Expats in Hong Kong) for Western celebrations.
I love the idea of doing a musician week… I’ll have to work that into our spring semester!
Love this list! Thanks for sharing, just curious how you keep all the activities/games/crafts materials organized? Do you use bins? Binders?
Sorry to ignore your question I must have missed it during our move. I have file folders for each topic that I add to through out the year. I also have boards on Pinterest to store ideas.
To organize the materials I have a 10 drawer rolling cart. Each drawer is label by activity. For example : circle time, books, fine motor, gross motor, ext. So the day of I just put the materials I will need for each activity in their drawer and when its time I just pull them out and they are ready to go. Hope this helps!
DO you have it for the rest of 2016?
I take a break in the summer so I didn’t plan for June or July. I’ll post a new plan for the 2016-2017 school year (Augusts to May) this summer. Forests, summer, 4th of July, zoo, islands, fish, and travel are some fun summer themes I’ve used in the past. I hope you can find some fun ideas for your kiddos to enjoy!
This is a very goood guidline for me who has just started a kindergaten. Hope to get more ideas.
I hope you find some of the ideas useful too. Good luck with your kindergarten!
I’ve just started a small play school. ..just 5 kids. Your annual planner’s very interesting! Thanks! Looking to more ideas!!
Good luck with your play school!
I have a small daycare and your ideas are very helpful . Thank you for sharing
I’m so glad to hear you’ve been able to find some useful ideas. Thanks for stopping by!