There is nothing as important as family. Building strong bonds within our families if one of the best things we can give our children. If you are looking for a fun way to celebrate valentines with your family or to strengthen family ties anytime this idea is just the thing.
We live far away from family right now, but I still want my kids to grow up with appreciation and love for their family. So I decided to hold a family love night!
Family Love Night
First, I emailed all our extended family and asked them to answer three questions for each member of their families and then email the responses back to me.
The questions were: 1. what is your favorite thing to eat? 2.What is your favorite thing to do? 3. What is something you’re really great at or something great about you?
Once I received all the responses I made one heart for each family member. On the front I wrote their answers to the questions and on the back I wrote their name.
We laid out all the Hearts and the kids took turns picking them out one at a time. We would read their answers then guess which family member we were learning about.
For dinner we tried out some of our families favorite foods. I made stands and labeled them with our family members names.
After dinner we tried out some of our family members favorite activities.
The night turned our to be super fun and easy to plan. My kids loved hearing about what their cousins , grandparents, aunts and uncles liked.
They keep saying ,”I like that too!” It was fun for them to see the similarities and differences they have with their family members and I think it made them feel closer to them also.
If you would like to hold your own family love night feel free to download the printable pack below. Enjoy!
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