Looking for a fun and romantic anniversary gift? Look no further. This anniversary gift is based on The 5 Love Languages . The idea is to choose one gift from each of the five love languages to give to your significant other. Not only is it fun, it is super easy to customize and make it the perfect gift for your recipient. 5 […]
Superhero Printable Learning Packet
This year I have learned that teaching my son is much different then teaching my daughter. Sweet girl love worksheets and crafts and will gladly accomplish any task I give her. Big boy on the other hand is really not interested in anything that makes him stay still for more then a few minutes. I […]
Preparing for General Conference Sundae FHE
In our home, we love general conference. We also love ice cream. So it seemed like a great idea to combine the two for a weekly family night. I would like to share with you our lesson plan to help your family prepare for General Conference also. This FHE talks about what general conference is […]
Fun Printable Easter Board Game
Two things I am always looking to add more of to our days is fun and exercise. This Easer board game will help you add a little of both to your day. If you are looking for a fun Easter activity to use with your kids this might be just the thing. Easter Board Game […]
Big Hero 6 Family Fun Night
This weekend we purchased Big Hero 6 and my kids have been loving it. Honestly, I didn’t expect it to be as good as it is. My husband and I enjoy watching it right along with our kids. After, watching it more times then I am willing to admit to this weekend I knew […]
Stress Toy Children’s Valentine
Kids Stress Toy Valentine With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching I started looking for something fun for my daughter to pass out to her Kindergarten class. I found these cute stress heart toys at Oriental Trading and thought they would be perfect. What could be better to give to a bunch of kindergartners then something to keep their […]