Is one of your kids working on memorizing their multiplication facts? This fun and festive Easter multiplication hunt is a great way for them to practice leaning or reviewing their times tables.
We have been working on reviewing the multiplication facts with my oldest in our home. I want them to stay fresh in her brain and the answers to come quickly as she is working on multi-digit multiplication problems this year.
I figure the best way to make sure that happens is to continue to review and practice the times tables regularly. However, sometimes practicing the same thing over and over again can start to feel mundane and boring.
This Easter multiplication hunt will allow your child to practice whichever set of multiplication facts they are currently working on in an enjoyable way.
Getting Started
Set up for this activity is quick and easy because really, who has time for anything else? All you need to do to get started is download the free packet by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.
The packet contains two sets of numbered eggs. One set is in color and the other is in black and white, just in case you would rather not use colored ink. Print whichever set of eggs you choose and cut them out.
Next, take your eggs which are numbered 1-12 and tape them in various locations around your room.
A fun alternative to taping them on the walls could be to hide them inside of plastic eggs for your child to find and open. I just taped ours on objects around the house and it worked well for us.

The other pages in the packet are practice sheets for the 2-12 multiplication facts. Choose the fact set you are wanting to practice and print a copy of that sheet out.
The page you choose will contain 12 multiplication problems for your given set. So for example, if your child is working on the fours multiplication facts, each problem will be 4 x __ =____.

Hand your child the page along with a pencil and something to write on and let them start hunting for the number eggs you hid earlier.
When your child finds an egg, they will write the number from that egg on one of the blank egg spaces on their page. They can then solve the problem and write the answer on the blank answer line.
If you are using this activity for just one of your children, you can have them collect the number eggs as they go so they don’t accidentally write the same number down twice.
If you are using this activity with multiple children you can instead just let them know that each of the 12 hidden eggs will have a different number. That way they can leave the eggs hidden for the other students. If they run into an egg and aren’t sure if have already found it or not they can check the numbers they have copied down on their page and if they already see that number they will know it’s an egg they already found.
I hope that your child will have as much fun with the activity as mine has. Hopefully, it will make multiplication practice a little more enjoyable.
To download your free copy of this multiplication pack simply click the button below. Enjoy!
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